James Collett: Welcome to Magwi County!

James is arriving South Sudan today from UK. During his visit he will train HopeOfiriha staff, and volunteers with a know-how skill to use mambu in it unique microloan initiative which started after the formation of the partnership few months ago. James’s main reason of visiting is to make sure thing is working well from the beginning. James Collett is a team member of Deki.org.uk Mambu enables any MFI to deliver state-of-the-art banking through its software-as-a-service cloud solution. Agile, flexible and open, Mambu eliminates the… Read More

GlobalGiving Visits Our Project in Uganda

“Now I am a human,” said Beatrice, when I asked her about her life now compared to before she received her first loan of Sh150,000 (about $55) from Hope Ofriha in 2008.  Beatrice is a refugee from South Sudan who escaped during the country’s civil war in 1997 – first to Kenya, then eventually settling in Kampala, Uganda.  At first she sold vegetables in the local market, making very little money.  She couldn’t afford to pay rent or to cover the school fees for her… Read More

Omilling Gears For Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day has a history of love, and caring.  But this Valentine’s Day, perhaps it’s time to celebrate with a gift many of the world’s poorest women desperately need: delivery kits. According to the United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA), 1,000 women die every day due to pregnancy or childbirth. Ninety-nine percent of these deaths occur in less developed world and 90 percent in Africa alone. Reproductive health, including access to the information to plan a family, is a human right the world’s nations have recognized… Read More

Invest in Microloans for Women Refugees

Many South Sudanese women living as squatters in slums in the outskirts of Kampala, Uganda, are single mothers supporting three or more children—their own off-spring, the children of relatives, war orphans, or children separated from their families. Because jobs for unskilled and uneducated refugees are scarce, their best hope for supporting their families is creating and operating their own tiny enterprise. Without assets and referrals, however, these women cannot… Read More

10 New Microloans Given to Women Refugees

Thanks to kind support of our Uganda Microloans Project, Hope Ofiriha is pleased to announce that it has granted loan to ten (10) new additional women to start their income generating business. With their ability to generate income and save profits these women can better protect themselves and their children in areas of poverty, education, and heath. In the six months to come these women will invest in the education of their children by paying school fees through profits earn from their businesses. During the… Read More